The Greater Texoma Utility Authority, also known as "the Authority" or "GTUA", is a local political subdivision of the State and is governed by a Board of Directors. The Authority is a special-law district organized under Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas constitution and operates under Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code.
While the State Legislature may have enacted a law to authorize the Authority, the cities of Denison and Sherman actually created the district by a confirmation election held on August 19, 1979. Since that time, the Cities of Anna, Bailey, Collinsville, Ector, Gainesville, Gunter, Howe, Leonard, Muenster, Pottsboro, Tioga, Tom Bean, Valley View, Van Alstyne, Whitesboro, and Whitewright have also joined as member cities of the Authority.
The Authority is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by its member cities. Places 1, 2, and 3 are appointed by the City of Denison. Places 4, 5, and 6 are appointed by the City of Sherman. The City of Gainesville appoints a member for Place 7, with Place 8 appointed by the City of Anna. Place 9 is appointed by the general law member cities. Board members serve two-year terms. Half of the Directors are appointed each year so that the terms overlap. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing all policies of the Authority.
The Authority operates under the provisions of Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code. The Authority has no taxing power but may incur debt by the issuance of bonds supported by revenues from the operations it finances. The Authority may enter into contracts to provide services for member cities and others when requested.
The Authority provides its member cities with assistance in financing and construction of water and wastewater facilities. The Authority may also be requested to provide operations services for water and wastewater facilities by member cities and others.